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SeaSnax Raw Raw Raw (16x1 Oz)

  • Brands Seasnax
  • Product Code: 728028023237
  • Availability: In Stock


  • Seasnax Raw Raw Raw (16x1 Oz)

Product description

Save on SeaSnax Raw Raw Raw (16x1 Oz). SeaSnax RAW RAW RAW is just that, raw un,roasted,

unseasoned seaweed, great for those on a raw food diet! This raw seaweed, referred to as Kim in Korean,

is actually a red algae or deep purple laver. Nets of woven rope are suspended below the surface of the ocean

in quiet bays, and during the cold winter months, the Kim slowly grows to cover the entire net. The Kim is then

harvested, washed and dried into paper,like sheets. Because this raw Kim is not roasted but rather dried at

a low temperature, it is chock full of rich minerals and nutrients including iodine and iron for thyroid health,

calcium for strong healthy bones and vitamin C. Also, it is very low in calories, and is fat and cholesterol

free. And if that?s not enough, it provides Omega 3, 6 and 9 essential fatty acids necessary for mental

and physical health. 

Product details

  • Item Weight: 9.45 pounds
  • Shipping Weight: 9.4 pounds