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Royal Hawaiian Orchards Fruit Nut Mango PineApple (6x4OZ )


  • Delicious clusters of macadamia nuts
  • Perfect for anytime snacking
  • No GMOs
  • Gluten free
  • Nothing artificial

Product description

We believe that a long, healthy life begins with a well-balanced diet full of wholesome, all-natural foods.

Did you know that Hawaii boasts the longest average life expectancy in the U.S.? We Hawaiians credit

our longevity to healthy eating, happiness, and stress-free living. Royal Hawaiian’s brand philosophy

reflects the heart of Hawaiian culture - that health and happiness come from the unification of mind

and heart. We strive to find balance in the hustle and bustle. We show love for our community and

respect the gift of nature. To us, the most delicious and worthwhile meal is one

shared with friends and family.

Product details

  • Product Dimensions: 1 x 1 x 1 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 4 ounces